Sunday, July 29, 2007


Welcome All,

This blog has been created to chronicle my latest adventure. One year ago I moved to China and have kept up with a blog at this address. I've once sailed around the world and now found a way to bike across the better part of Asia. The trip begins in Istanbul, Turkey and we will be riding all the way to Beijing, China.

My company, Tour d Afrique, (this is actually my new job rather than a vacation) is based in Toronto, Canada and is famed for a tour that runs from Cairo, Egypt to Capetown, South Africa. I am working as Tour Support...more or less a guide for the next four months. I'll be taking on a stronger leadership role as we cross China's western border.

Where will I be? The Silk Road is not just one path cutting across Asia. There are many different routes, each with unique challenges. There is a nice interactive map that traces our tour. As I mentioned, we are starting in Turkey and then through Georgia, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and finally to China. There are several blogs that will be updated during the tour as well as a company blog. From this site, you can also find blogs from other riders.

Obstacles to keep in mind... There is a little mountain range in the way, you may have heard of them, the Himalayas. We will pass through unforgiving deserts and through a country that is 95% mountainous. We're hitting all four seasons as we travel. In many places, paved roads will be a welcome luxury. China will not let us down with air quality. Especially when the mercury falls and the coal power plants kick it up a notch.

Updating this will be a bit tricky as I will not have my laptop or other electronic luxuries. When I can, I will be posting a few pictures and some short stories about our travels. We have a rest day about every five days. Please keep in mind that we have only 24 hours to explore cities that were once the most prosperous in the world. Time has passed over these places, but much remains to be explored. Certainly more than our itinerary allows.

My plane takes off for Istanbul on Tuesday at midnight. Then 4 months of biking, problem solving, and sojourning.

Until next time,